Achievements and Recognition

We take immense pride in our commitment to excellence and our continuous pursuit of outstanding results in physiotherapy. Our dedication to providing top-tier care and our active involvement in the community have led us to support and achieve significant milestones.
This page is a testament to our journey of success, showcasing our notable contributions, record-breaking moments, and the honors we have received over the years. From supporting Guinness World Records to achieving groundbreaking results in sports and orthopedic physiotherapy, we are proud of the recognition we’ve earned.
Join us as we celebrate these achievements and continue to strive for new heights, always driven by our mission to help you “Master Your Thoughts and Optimize your Life”.
We are supported in Guinness World Record as a Physiotherapy for The longest Rain Dance marathon is 27 hr 2 min, and was achieved by Iswarya Prabakar (India), in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, on 26th September 2023.